This series, Ethereal & Dynamism came after the initial Rurubu Project, which is a collaborative project by Toronto-based photographer Haley Friesen and me. Artworks done in 2013 and never framed and published until now.

1. Hanabi
1. Hanabi.
2. uzumaki
2. uzumaki.
3. Honou
3. Honou.
4. Pow
4. Pow.
5. Pow2.
6. Harai
6. Harai.
7. guruguru
7. Guruguru




1. Hanabi /20 x 20 (frame) printed & painted on paper.
2. Uzumaki /20 x 20 (frame) printed & painted on paper.
3. Honou /13 x 19 (frame) printed & painted on paper.
4. Pow /13 x 19 (frame) printed & painted on paper.
5. Pow2 /13 x 19 (frame) printed & painted on paper.
6. Harai /20 x 20 (frame) printed & painted on paper.
7. Guruguru /12.5 x 12.5 (frame) printed & painted on paper.

Dancers: Erika, Jordan Wyllie, Sierra Chin Sawdy, Liana Bellissimo

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