ようこそ、おこしやす。(Yokoso, Okoshiyasu) is “welcoming” in Kyoto dialect (Japanese). This calligraphy art on the wall has been presented at the second floor at the airbnb second office in San Francisco.
ようこそ、おこしやす。(Yokoso, Okoshiyasu) is “welcoming” in Kyoto dialect (Japanese). This calligraphy art on the wall has been presented at the second floor at the airbnb second office in San Francisco.
This series, Ethereal & Dynamism came after the initial Rurubu Project, which is a collaborative project by Toronto-based photographer Haley Friesen and me. Artworks done in 2013 and never framed and published until now. 1. Hanabi /20 x 20 (frame) printed & painted on paper. 2. Uzumaki /20 x 20 (frame) printed & painted on … Continue Reading
Art Collaboration with Erica Morton Magill ちゆ — Remedy / どく — Poison “We’re exploring in these images the contrast of poison and remedy, investigating the ability of yoga to alchemize poison into medicine through the process of tapas, a disciplined spiritual practice that burns through the deep-rooted patterns and habits of our existence.” “In … Continue Reading
DESIGN AND CRAFTS FROM THE 20TH CENTURY DESIGNMUSEUM DENMARK HOMEPAGE OPENNING HOURS Tuesday – Sunday 11 – 5 Wednesdays 11 – 9 Monday closed ARKEN MUSEUM HOMEPAGE OPENNING HOURS Tuesday-Sunday: 10-17 Wednesday: 10-21 Monday: Closed
ストックホルムから電車で6時間かけて着いた先はコペンハーゲン。ストックホルムに比べ、街や人々はよりカジュルアルで親しみがあり、吊るし街灯が町中にあるのが印象的でした。 CAFE The Laundromat Cafe Paludan Bogcafé The Coffee Collective EAT BIOMIO ORGANIC BISTRO Slotskælderen hos Gitte Kik SHOP Illums Bolighus Louis Poulsen Rud.Rasmussens Snedkerier Designer Zoo Black Hay House YOGA Ashtanga Yoga CPH Mysore Yoga CPH STAY Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Copenhagen Hotel Alexandra
内装の建築、空間のデザイン、美術作品の見せ方、全てが一貫して美しく、完璧に見えたのが、ここストックホルムにある現代美術館(Moderna Museet)。展示されている美術品が自然に目に飛び込んでくるのは北欧デザインの特徴の1つだと思いますが、自然光と照明と内装のバランスが非常によく居心地の良さに感銘を受けました。 Architecture in Sweden by ArkDes FUNCTION, DESIGN AND AESTHETICS JANUARY 1, 2009 – DECEMBER 31, 2016 Paul Klee Exhibition JANUARY 16, 2016 – APRIL.24 2016
14つの島から成り立っているストックホルムは世界第二次大戦のダメージから逃れ昔ながらの建物が残っている世界有数の最も美しい都市の1つ。建築、デザイン、アート、食べ物、人々、全てがハイスタンダードで少し気取った雰囲気が味わえる街。 Architecture, art, design, people, food, everything is beautiful, high standard here. Stockholm is spread across 14 islands on the coast in the southeast of Sweden. Since the buildings in Stockholm have not had major damage from WW2 their historic buildings are largely conserved. CAFE Valand Drop Coffee Juiceverket EAT KÖTT & FISKBAREN Shibumi … Continue Reading
オスロ市内から少し離れた郊外で絵に描いたような雪景色が見れたのは2月下旬のこと。予想した以上には寒くなく、少し春の面影を感じさせる陽気でした。海沿いにはモダンで新しい建築が目立ったオスロはこれから建築、デザイン、アートで注目の町になりそうです。 COFFEE Fuglen Tim Wendelboe EAT Stortorvets Gjæstgiveri Mathallen DRINK Crowbar & Bryggeri ART MUSEUM Nasjonalmuseet – National Museum Astrup Fearnley Museet – Modern Museum Kunstindustrimuseet – The Museum of Decorative Arts and Design Norsk design- og arkitektursenter
The Blue Lagoon is heaven. It’s an oasis of relaxation. The geothermal water has a unique composition, featuring three active ingredients – Silica, Algae & Minerals. The blue colour comes from the silica and the way it reflects sunlight. During summer there can also be a hint of green in the water. This is the result of the algae, which multiplies quickly … Continue Reading